My complaint, as you may have guessed, is only having five stars with which to rate these movies once we've returned them. Once Netflix receives the viewed movie, they send me an e-mail asking what I'd rate it. Good system in theory, then they can recommend movies for me, plus I can remember which ones we've already seen if I can't recall. But I only get 5 stars (and not even half stars) to use when I rate my movies:
1 = hated it
2 = didn't like it
3 = liked it
4 = really liked it
5 = loved it
I'm sorry, that doesn't even come close to covering it for me! I've always loved watching movies, and I also love being a critic, discussing with whoever else has seen the movie what was good, bad, could have been changed, and if it was a keeper or a stinker. I'm a talker and so probably more then most people I can spin ideas and theories on what could have made it better, why the decision was made to use part of the story in such a way. I especially love when books I've read are made into movies and make Chris crazy by giving him a verbal lashing comparing the print to the visual.
So, I propose a new rating system! 10 choices which split my original 5 stars into halves so as not to totally reorganize the system (I could use monkeys if I wanted to, this is, after all, my blog). So here goes.
0.5 = truly heinous, it'd probably be more fun being fed to lions
1 = congratulations, you turned a semi-interesting story into poo
1.5 = horrible but in an odd way kind of likable
2 = good acting, too bad the plot was garbage
2.5 = didn't suck
3 = predictable yet mildly entertaining
3.5 = had good parts I didn't already see in the trailer
4 = worth adding to my personal collection
4.5 = only Leonardo DiCaprio/Rachel McAdams could have made it better
5 = wow...