Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Queen Bee and her Divas...

This past weekend the ladies of the bridal party took Miss. Stephanie to Ocean City, MD for her bachelorette party and we all had an absolute blast! While I am not at liberty to disclose all of the events that took place; in fact I signed something that limits my descriptions of the weekend to "we just drank wine and talked about the wedding plans..."

However, as all the girls start sharing pictures there's a series from all the sets that include a lurker and seeing him keeps cuing the jaws theme music in my head. I think it's hilarious so I'm going to share this one little piece from our otherwise quiet bachelorette party ;)

Steph having a good time

But oh, what's this? (cue music...du-nuh du-nuh)
Woah buddy! You are so not the bride, and you're not even cute...
Ok, get your hands off her, it's time for you to go.
Fortunately he did leave us alone, but not until he managed to show up on every single camera we brought with us. LOL


Unknown said...

Annie, Gretchen and I went out on Friday for Gretchen's birthday, and had an unwelcome fourth for a portion of the evening. This guy just sat down with us and started talking. All well and good, but he stuck around looong past the point we were done being interested. He finally turned his attention elsewhere, and we were later treated to his drunken dancing with an even drunker girl (there was falling involved)... Hooray for strange and kind of creepy drunken lurkers! We, however, don't have the impressive photographic record that you have.

Kim said...

LOL, at least he provided you with some entertainment! The place we were at was huge so we didn't run into him again which was kinda nice. There was definitely more then one guy we needed to get away from throughout the night so the size of the place made it easy to make a quick escape. :)