Saturday, December 19, 2009


I just can't believe how much snow I've seen already this year! First we picked out Christmas tree out after a storm left 3-4 inches of snow on my Grandparent's farm in Virginia...

I don't even remember the last time I was in Culpeper when it snowed!
But we still had no problem finding a perfect tree!

This weekend I was going to hitch a ride with Mom and Dad back to the farm for another visit before Christmas. We hadn't gottne more than 20 minutes from their house and Grandma convinced Dad to turn around since they were calling for over a foot of snow.

We get back to Delaware, but rather then let the night go to waste we brought back an old Bartlett family tradition back and Kringled John and Steph with a Christmas tree since it seemed they wouldn't have another chance to get one. We left beer and wings too... a few of John's favorite things. :)

Today I've been watching snow fall steadily past the windows filling up the backyard and making quick work of Chris's shoveling efforts. Church was cancelled last night before the first flake even fell from the sky, and I've been enjoying an afternoon of unhurried Christmas preperations.

Yet another perfect Pepermint Christmas tree!

One picture from our front door...

...and one from as far out in the driveway I can get without being up to my knees in snow drifts.

1 comment:

Juany said...

Hi Kim; I can't believe I didn't write any comments on this blog!! It was beautiful, especially the picture of the christmas tree with Bella looking out... so i put it on my desktop today to enjoy it some more, even though it's March 15th!!