It's really a great city for so many reasons. Philly is known for some of the best food, sharing it's name with soft pretzels, and cheesesteaks, being home to Tastycake and some of the best restaurants you'll ever eat at. My favorite part about going to South Street when I was in school to get design supplies at Pearl was the fact that it was located directly across from Jim's; my personal favorite cheesesteak place. Philadelphia is also known as a sports town with fans who bleed Eagle's green, passionately hold onto grudges against players who have scorned them, and have the ever-present mantra of "maybe next year".
Throughout the history of sports there have been teams who have dry spells, the Red Sox only broke the curse of the Bambino five seasons ago, the Cubs are still waiting for their curse to be broken, and I could name more then a few teams that, for the sake of the franchise, had better hope there are blue skies ahead. But throughout my lifetime the city of Philadelphia has been practically winless. A quarter of a century and not a single trophy, parade, or team to boast about is a long time for a city with the passionate fans, and longevity that Philadelphia's teams have. We have four teams who have called Philly home for at least 40 years. Teams which have always been at least decent, they give you hope, they have bright shining moments of "almost" for fans to cling to, but always seem to fall just short.
Then the Phillies in the last three innings of a game which began two days earlier ended on the perfect note of a perfect season for closer Brad Lidge as he struck out Eric Hinske to clinch the world series and Philadelphia, with a collective cry that was equal parts joy and surprise, was no longer a city of perpetual losers. I went to the parade here because it was three blocks from my office and I just didn't want to be so close and miss it, so around 12pm, half the office set off to watch. Unfortunately, had we really wanted to be there and see everything, we would have had to be there first thing in the morning. As I arrived to work at 8:30 there were people in the streets with Phillies gear on walking around, yelling, horns honking and becoming the makings of a ridiculous crowd. By the time my coworkers and I arrived we were probably at least 60 people deep and couldn't see a thing. Every time someone started cheering it started a wave of people following suit so I would raise my camera over my head and just start taking pictures. I'll post a couple that I took, but it's really not much to look at. But I was determined to be there and I'm glad I can at least say I was a little part of my favorite city's history.
Flyers est. in '67 haven't won since back-to-back cups in '74 & '75
76ers est. in '39, haven't won since '83
Eagles est. in '33, haven't won since '60 (!)
Phillies est. in 1889, haven't won since '80...until now!