Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Half Blood Prince!

Well, I said after the last movie that I wasn't getting my hopes up for the remainder of the Harry Potter movies, but it seems I just can't help myself! I don't want to look forward to seeing them like I am and I do a good job when there's nothing teasing me, but I just saw this trailer and a behind the scenes clip on youtube and I don't know how to not be excited for the next movie!

So, we'll see what happens. The fifth one was really the only movie I was really upset with the interpretation for, so I'm hoping it was because the writer that adapted the first four screen plays was to blame because he wasn't available. Since David Yates will be back as the director, I can only hope having the original writer back will put the movies back on track. Since there's no more books to look forward to, I guess I'll just have to be content with whatever they come out with in November.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Na-na na-na na-na na-na BATMAN!

Oh man, I can't say enough how much I love the latest installment of Batman! We went with a group of people on Friday night after Chris's softball game, and then again on Sunday after convincing John and Stephanie they needed to see it too. I can't even remember the last movie I saw on opening weekend, let alone twice in one weekend. But it was that good.

I grew up with Batman. Those movies, along with Indiana Jones, were my Star Wars; movies that were beloved by most of my generation but I never saw until I became an adult. And just like Chris sat me down to watch all the Star Wars when the first 3 episodes came out, I made him sit with me and catch up on all the Batmen that had gone before. I was never a comic book fan so I didn't know the discrepancies between the Batman movies and the original stories, but I loved the super hero films for what they were. Even when the third and fourth installments were infused with cheese and rubber nipples (just who's idea was that??) I still had a soft spot for the Batman movies. I loved the Bond-esque toys he got to use and the fact that unlike most super heroes he was a regular guy just trying to fight crime with no real super power (unless you can consider being really, really ridiculously rich to be a super power). I even enjoyed the over the top characters that played the villains, Jack Nicholson's Joker and Jim Carry's Riddler being two of my favorites.

In 2005 when Batman Begins came out I was psyched for another take on my favorite super hero and was overall impressed with director Christopher Nolan's version. It was darker then any before with Christian Bale playing Bruce Wayne as more then just a pretty-boy billionaire with an interesting nocturnal hobby. He portrays him as deeply disturbed, a bit necessary when you think about the likely-hood of a grown man dressing as a bat in order to fight crime, and he gave his back story great believability. There was a new underlying presence of mobsters giving Batman an unending supply of bad guys to go after and a little more realism to the story. And there was just something in Cillian Murphy's cold eyes that made him a great villain.

Than around this time last year I heard that the second one was coming out; hooray!! And that Heath Ledger was going to play the joker; what?? Mr. Brokeback Mountain is going to be the joker? Nicholson's mouth was perfect in that plastic-y smile and his laugh along with his jittery, silly movements were just great, how is Ledger going to play this part? Then as time went on I started hearing more and more about the intensity and sheer craziness he was giving to the character, and I started getting excited about it. I really couldn’t help myself, even if his joker couldn’t hold a candle to Nicholson’s, there was still a new Batman movie to look forward to. Of course Ledger’s death in January gave the movie even more hype then it was already getting since the first one was so well done. Than as people started getting advance showings and critics even started talking about an Oscar nod along with a good shot at winning a posthumous golden statue, I couldn’t wait any longer! And I pushed aside the somewhat nagging feeling that I might be getting geared up to be supremely let down.

However, The Dark Knight did not disappoint. From beginning to end it was non-stop action, crazy stunts, cool bat-toys, and a psychopathic Joker who both creeped me out and made me laugh out loud. If you loved the first Batman you have to see this one too. I applaud the well developed characters, the solid acting all around and the fact that they’re not afraid to shock the audience with a death or special effect or plot twist. I may even have to see it again…

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Holy Guacamole!

I have never really been a fan of guacamole. Which is strange since as far as eating green food goes, I generally love it all, broccoli, string beans, and snap peas are just a few of my favorites. However, avocados have always ranked fairly low on my list of green food that I actually want to put in my mouth. I also don't really know what to do with them or have recipes to use them in so I've never bothered with them.

Then, last summer I learned how to make awesome guacamole from a friend's mom and I feel it has now been tried and true since I have converted many other guacamole-haters with this recipe. I've made it here and there for game nights or get togethers with family and friends, and then I read an article that listed the benefits of avocados and now I feel I n
eed to start eating a lot more of this super-food.

One of the common impressions of avocados is this is just a fattening food and there are better ways of getting healthy vitamins and minerals. However in this day and age where everything is way more complicated then just labeling something as a fatty food or a healthy food, I think it merits a second look at how the benefits outweigh the possible negatives.

Consider this:
  • Avocados contain 20 different vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients (these help prevent many chronic diseases) including vitamins E, K, & C, iron, potassium, foliate, and fiber.
  • Avocados help enable your body to absorb fat-soluble nutrients from other healthy vegetables when eaten together including beta-carotene and antioxidants. (For example, the healthy beta-carotene in carrots can't be absorbed by your body unless eaten with something containing fat such as salad dressing or dip)
  • Avocados are virtually the only fruit that contain monounsaturated fats which help lower cholestoral and risks of heart disease and stroke. (They're generally found in oils.)
  • Avocados contain lutein which help maintain eye health as we age.
So, the next time you're looking for a tasty snack, mix up these ingredients and try out this guacamole recipe:

3 avocados mashed
4 Tbsp mayo
1/2 red onion chopped fine
1/2 lime's worth of juice
salt to taste

Leave a couple of pits in to keep it from browning too fast and enjoy! I also found that it's easier to mash the avocados with a pastry cutter or potato masher rather then a fork, especially if the avocado isn't quite ripe yet.

(Facts found on and, photo from

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Widget, gadget and other fun words to say

Look at me getting all technologically advanced.
I was so proud of myself for figuring out how to add a youtube video without having to ask Chris to show me first. Now I've added a widget so I can share my favorite books on my blog too! This of course means I now have another site that I have to keep maintained, but I thought it was pretty cool.