Saturday, July 24, 2010

I Need More Stars!

No, not cake pop stars, although they were very good, I'm referring to those stars you get to rate things like movies and books on sites such as Netflix, Goodreads, and Barnes & Noble. We have an account with Netflix that we love, especially since they've added the watch it now feature which, among other things, helps us cut down on our mailed movies (currently just under 200 which will take us over 3 years to get through).

My complaint, as you may have guessed, is only having five stars with which to rate these movies once we've returned them. Once Netflix receives the viewed movie, they send me an e-mail asking what I'd rate it. Good system in theory, then they can recommend movies for me, plus I can remember which ones we've already seen if I can't recall. But I only get 5 stars (and not even half stars) to use when I rate my movies:
1 = hated it
2 = didn't like it
3 = liked it
4 = really liked it
5 = loved it

I'm sorry, that doesn't even come close to covering it for me! I've always loved watching movies, and I also love being a critic, discussing with whoever else has seen the movie what was good, bad, could have been changed, and if it was a keeper or a stinker. I'm a talker and so probably more then most people I can spin ideas and theories on what could have made it better, why the decision was made to use part of the story in such a way. I especially love when books I've read are made into movies and make Chris crazy by giving him a verbal lashing comparing the print to the visual.

So, I propose a new rating system! 10 choices which split my original 5 stars into halves so as not to totally reorganize the system (I could use monkeys if I wanted to, this is, after all, my blog). So here goes.

0.5 = truly heinous, it'd probably be more fun being fed to lions
1 = congratulations, you turned a semi-interesting story into poo
1.5 = horrible but in an odd way kind of likable
2 = good acting, too bad the plot was garbage
2.5 = didn't suck
3 = predictable yet mildly entertaining
3.5 = had good parts I didn't already see in the trailer
4 = worth adding to my personal collection
4.5 = only Leonardo DiCaprio/Rachel McAdams could have made it better
5 = wow...

Friday, July 9, 2010

Stars and Stripes

Following up with star shaped cake pops for the 4th of July. I think they turned out great.

And to make them more portable I made a bunch without sticks.