Monday, March 31, 2008


I enjoy writing, and I have lots of opinions, so this should be easy for me. Pick a topic and go! But I can’t seem to think of anything good. I’m also highly critical of myself, so that’s not helpful. But I don’t want to be a one-hit-wonder, forever destined to share that label with the likes of Il Devo and The Lipps. Except, yeah, that’s not really the same since I’ve never been famous and I definitely can’t sing. Anyway, now that I’ve made the commitment to make up a name and put myself out there I can’t fall into laziness and just be content to stop there.

I have a page,
Look at me!
But it hasn’t been updated
Since 2003!

So for now, I’ll get you guys involved. I love hearing what other people think as much as I like having my own opinion heard, so here’s the question. What is either your favorite, or least favorite movie adaptation of a book? If you know me at all you know I love to read. I take a book with me almost everywhere I go, even if I know I won’t have any time to read it. When I go away for a weekend I always bring at least two, just in case. So I have read many books either with the intention of seeing the movie later, or having the happy accident of reading it only to find it is, or will be a movie too. Plus, I’m always interested in hearing about a new author from a trusted source, so have at it.
I’d have to say my all time favorite is The Green Mile; written by Steven King but without all his signature craziness and gore, an excellent story and an excellent adaptation.
Runner up would have to be Big Fish which was really interesting since both pieces can stand alone, but together they expand on each other in a way that makes the story as a whole more complete.
Consolation prize goes to Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, since nothing comes close to reading the books, but for this movie they made really great choices of what to keep and didn’t get too crazy with adding things that weren’t in the books.
My least favorites were Silence of the Lamb and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix simply because the books were too good for the movies they made from them.
I’m currently trying to decide if I want to do the book/movie thing for Kevin Spacey’s new movie 21, based on the book Bringing Down the House which I guess is where this rabbit trail came from.


destratisphere said...

My reading experience is what you might call, lacking. But, of what I have read, my favorite combo is Grisham's A Time to Kill. It's my favorite book of his, plus the best movie made from his series. "The Shirtless One" gives a great closing argument. alright alright alright

Jason DeStratis said...

Let me give props to "Bringing Down the House". I haven't seen 21 yet, but the book was great. It was inspiring... I wanted to get to Foxwoods and play black jack right away... but thankfully I hate loosing money, so I haven't gone.

Kim said...

Thanks Jason! Now I think I'll have to check it out.

Unknown said...

As will be no surprise to you, Kim, I love the book/movie adaptation of The Princess Bride -- great movie, even better book. Also Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. One of my favorite books of all time, and the film version with Kiera Knightley is phenomenal. A lot of details were altered to make the film, but the film is so good, it doesn't matter much.

I have some of the same feelings as you about the different Harry Potter books. I'm still kind of on the fence about the most recent Chronicles of Narnia films. I didn't like The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe at first, but I need to go back and watch it again. Prince Caspian is coming out this spring, so we'll see how that one does.

On my reading list is the Bourne books. I love the movies, so I'm hoping I'll love the books as well.

Oh, and I read Chocolat because that's another film that I really like, but I didn't care for the book at all. That's one where I think the adaptation to film was a vast improvement.

I've also read Love in the Time of Cholera, which I didn't think was so great, despite all the awards and recognition, but I haven't seen the film yet. Maybe it will be better.


Rebecca said...

Out of all the great books I've read and films I've seen, the first book to film adaptation that came to mind is Nicholas Sparks' "The Notebook". Wonderful story. Equally wonderful movie. Both are guaranteed to make you cry.

I'm also forcing myself through "Love in the Time of Cholera", keep hoping it picks up, and ditto on that with "Atonement". Have yet to see those movies, so will let you know what I think of their adaptations.

My brain is fried and won't think of others!

Kim said...

Elin - I still have never read The Princess Bride! But I'll add it to my list since that can almost be considered being a bad friend to you ;) You'll have to let me know how the Bourne books are since Chris and I love the movies and would both like to read them someday.

Becky - I love The Notebook too! I can't believe I forgot to add it to my list. Makes me cry every time! Also I've heard Atonement is slow till about the last 1/4 of the book so good luck hanging in there!