Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Holy Guacamole!

I have never really been a fan of guacamole. Which is strange since as far as eating green food goes, I generally love it all, broccoli, string beans, and snap peas are just a few of my favorites. However, avocados have always ranked fairly low on my list of green food that I actually want to put in my mouth. I also don't really know what to do with them or have recipes to use them in so I've never bothered with them.

Then, last summer I learned how to make awesome guacamole from a friend's mom and I feel it has now been tried and true since I have converted many other guacamole-haters with this recipe. I've made it here and there for game nights or get togethers with family and friends, and then I read an article that listed the benefits of avocados and now I feel I n
eed to start eating a lot more of this super-food.

One of the common impressions of avocados is this is just a fattening food and there are better ways of getting healthy vitamins and minerals. However in this day and age where everything is way more complicated then just labeling something as a fatty food or a healthy food, I think it merits a second look at how the benefits outweigh the possible negatives.

Consider this:
  • Avocados contain 20 different vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients (these help prevent many chronic diseases) including vitamins E, K, & C, iron, potassium, foliate, and fiber.
  • Avocados help enable your body to absorb fat-soluble nutrients from other healthy vegetables when eaten together including beta-carotene and antioxidants. (For example, the healthy beta-carotene in carrots can't be absorbed by your body unless eaten with something containing fat such as salad dressing or dip)
  • Avocados are virtually the only fruit that contain monounsaturated fats which help lower cholestoral and risks of heart disease and stroke. (They're generally found in oils.)
  • Avocados contain lutein which help maintain eye health as we age.
So, the next time you're looking for a tasty snack, mix up these ingredients and try out this guacamole recipe:

3 avocados mashed
4 Tbsp mayo
1/2 red onion chopped fine
1/2 lime's worth of juice
salt to taste

Leave a couple of pits in to keep it from browning too fast and enjoy! I also found that it's easier to mash the avocados with a pastry cutter or potato masher rather then a fork, especially if the avocado isn't quite ripe yet.

(Facts found on and, photo from

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